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Translink Go card user guide

The benefits of using go card

Travelling with go card on the Translink network:

Saves you money

  • At least 30% cheaper than a single one-way paper ticket.
  • Make 8 paid go card journeys in a week (Monday to Sunday) and receive 50% off any extra journeys you make that week, regardless of the zones travelled.
  • Concessions including children, students, pensioners, seniors and defence force veterans receive a 50% discount off adult fares.
  • Children aged between 5 and 14 travel free on the weekend when they tap on and off with
  • a child go card.
  • One, Two, Free for seniors and pensioners. Seniors Card +go, senior go card or green pensioner concession go card holders who use go card for 2 paid journeys in 1 day travel free for the rest of the day.
  • A further 20% off-peak discount applies between 8.30am – 3.30pm, and after 7pm until 6am on weekdays (includes all day weekends and on state-wide gazetted Queensland public holidays).

Makes travel easy

  • Translink’s network of bus, train, ferry and tram services extends throughout South East Queensland (including Greater Brisbane, Ipswich, Sunshine and Gold Coasts).
  • Beat the queues and forget the worry of fumbling for change.
  • go card automatically calculates your fare when you tap on and tap off.


  • Top up your go card travel balance at over 1000 locations. Use our go card retailer search at
  • Access your go card account online at and over the phone on 13 12 30.
  • Protect your travel balance by registering your go card.

Top travel tips

  • Remember to always tap on AND tap off or you will be charged a fixed amount which will be displayed the next time you tap on.
  • Your go card is for your use only and is not transferable for use by anyone else.

Go card fees and start-up costs

Before you start using your go card, you will need to add value to your card and pay a refundable deposit. This deposit is like a safety net which allows you to finish your journey even if you have insufficient funds on the card (as long as your balance is positive at the start of your journey).
 Adult Senior Concession Child
  Refundable deposit   $10   $5
  Minimum starting balance   $5   $5
  Card issuance fee*   $5*   $5*

How to travel using your go card

  1. Register
  2. Top up
  3. Tap on and tap off
  4. Managing your Go card

1. Register your card and protect your travel balance

Registering your go card gives you peace of mind. If your go card is lost or stolen, your travel balance will be protected as soon as you advise Translink by calling 13 12 30. You can also block your card via your online account. You can arrange a new go card and transfer your deposit and travel balance from the old card to your new card. If your go card is not registered and is lost or stolen your balance is not protected. Extra security: Your secure online account holds your personal information and your go card serial number – your go card holds no personal information. Your account is password protected, be sure to keep this safe along with your go card number to help us quickly assist you if your card is lost, stolen, damaged or faulty. Find more information on how to register your go card.

2. Top up your go card

Make sure you always have enough money to travel by topping up your go card regularly. You can store up to $250 on your go card. If you don’t use your go card for five years you’ll no longer be able to use the card to travel. You can apply for a refund for any unused credit on your card. Top up your go card balance at:
  • Fare machines: Top up at fare machines with cash or debit card by selecting ‘add value’ from the go card menu and follow the instructions. The maximum you can top up is $200.
  • go card locations: Top up at selected retailers, plus attended train stations where you see the ‘top up’ sign. Search online for your closest location at Simply present your go card along with your payment.
  • Phone: Call 13 12 30 to top up your go card balance. You will need your 16 digit go card number and a valid credit or debit card.
  • Online: visit Once your go card is registered, log into your secure account and top up.
The maximum top up amount is $200 for phone or online. In most instances, the money will be available on your go card within an hour. It won’t appear on your travel balance until you tap on at a card reader. If you top up by phone or online and do not use your go card within 60 days your transaction will be reversed and the money will be returned to your credit or debit card. Set up auto top up: Auto top-up means you will always have enough balance on your go card to get you to your destination. When your travel balance falls below $5 it triggers a top up (of your chosen amount) from your credit or debit card. To activate auto top-up you will need to register your go card.

3. Tap on and tap off

Always remember to tap your go card flat onto the card reader at the beginning and end of your journey. Your go card will automatically calculate the correct fare. The go card reader will display a green light with one beep for an adult card or an orange light with two beeps for a concession card. When you tap on: the card reader will show the balance of travel credit stored on your go card. When you tap off: the card reader will show the fare deducted and your remaining travel balance. When tapping on or off, there is no need to wait for the card reader balance display to clear from the previous passenger.


Card readers are located at the front and rear doors on buses.
  • At the start of your journey, tap on at the front near the driver or near the rear door of the bus.
  • At the end of your journey, tap off either at the front or rear door of the bus.
  • Card readers are activated at designated bus stops only – you cannot tap on or tap off at a card reader while the bus is in motion or between stops.
When not at a designated stop, the card reader will display a ‘please wait’ message – if this message appears at your stop, please advise the driver.

Trains and trams

Card readers are located on station platforms and major stations have card readers attached to fare gates.
  • At fare gates, tap on as you enter the station or platform to begin your journey and tap off as you exit the station or platform at the end of your journey, even when the gates are open.
  • At card readers, tap on as you enter the station or platform to begin your journey and tap off as you exit the station or platform at the end of your journey.
You do not need to tap on or tap off when transferring between Queensland Rail Citytrain services.


  • On the ferry you can tap on and tap off at any of the card readers located onboard – near the ticket seller and where you embark or disembark.
  • Card readers are activated at designated ferry stops only – you cannot tap on or tap off at a card reader while the ferry is in motion or between stops.
  • When not at a designated stop, the card reader will display a ‘please wait’ message – if this message appears at your stop, please advise the ticket seller.
Troubleshooting If your tap on or tap off is unsuccessful the go card reader will display a red light. Please try again. If the card reader displays another red light please try another card reader. If the card reader is displaying an error message or you are unable to tap on or tap off successfully please call Translink on 13 12 30. If all go card readers on your train or tram platform, bus or ferry are not working and you are unable to tap on you can travel for free (this trip only) – do not tap off when you reach your destination. Common card reader messages Red light or a red cross: please try again or try tapping another card reader. Please tap again message: tap your card to the reader flat against the target. Already tapped message: your card has been read, just continue on your journey. Seek assistance message: seek help from a staff member or call 13 12 30 to report the problem.

Cancelling your Journey

If you’ve already tapped on but no longer need to travel, wait 10 seconds and then tap your card again to the card reader to cancel your journey. You have up to 20 minutes to cancel your journey or you will be charged a fixed amount. You can only cancel a journey using the card reader nearest the driver onboard a bus, the ticket seller onboard a ferry or the reader located on the train or tram platform. The card reader will show:
  • A message that no fare was deducted.
  • The available balance remaining on your go card.

Transferring between services

When transferring between services, your go card will calculate one overall fare for your whole journey. Simply tap on and tap off for each trip of the journey and make sure to:
  • Continue your journey within 60 minutes from within the same or adjoining zones.
  • Transfer up to three times in a journey, starting your final transfer within three and a half hours of your initial tap on. The card reader will show a continuation of travel message.
  • Complete your journey within six hours.
If you change from one train or tram to another train or tram without leaving the station there is no need to tap off between services to continue your journey.

Go card fares

Your go card calculates how many zones you travel during each journey, then deducts the correct fare from your travel balance.

How does it work?

When you tap on at the start of each journey your go card applies a fixed amount. When you tap off at the end of your journey your go card calculates the correct fare and adjusts your balance accordingly. The card reader displays both the fare deducted for your journey and your remaining travel balance. Always make sure you have a positive travel balance before your travel. It is an offence to not tap on when travelling with your go card and failure to do so may result in a fine. All fares, fees and charges are subject to change at any time.

Translink fares

Translink fares are available at

Fixed amount

Failure to tap on or tap off correctly will result in a fixed amount being deducted from your travel balance. Your go card will only calculate the correct fare for your journey when you tap on and tap off. Failing to do this means your go card will not know when your journey began or ended. Fixed amounts are as follows:
Adult Senior Concession Child
Bus/ferry/tram $5 $2.50
Train $10 $5
SMBI ferry $10 $5
The next time you use your go card the card reader will show that you have been charged a fixed amount do not tap on again.
  • If a fixed amount is incurred as a result of system of device failure on a registered go card you can apply for a balance adjustment (see page 14 for more information).
  • If a fixed amount is incurred due to a confirmed system error (e.g. power outage), your go card
will be adjusted and the journey will count towards the frequent user schemes (8 and 50% or One, Two, Free).
  • If a fixed amount is incurred due to a customer error (e.g. forgetting to tap on or tap off), the journey will not count towards the frequent user scheme.
The fixed amount applied when you tap on for journeys starting at the Brisbane International and Domestic Airport train stations is different from the standard Translink fixed amount. Airtrain fixed fare amounts are as follows:
Adult go card $40
Concession and senior go card $25
Child go card $12.50
For more information about Airtrain fares please: Visit Call 07 3216 3308 Airtrain services do not contribute to Translink fare discounts and savings and do not include or apply to any frequent user schemes.

4. Managing your go card

Make your go card work for you by managing your card online. To create an online account, you will need to register your go card. Register online:
  1. Go to and select ‘Ticketing’ located at the top left of the screen.
  2. This will take you to the ‘Welcome to go card online’ page.
  3. On this page you will be able to select ‘Register my go card’.
  4. You will need your 16 digit card number to register.
  5. Follow the prompts to successfully register your go card.
Register by phone: Call Translink on 13 12 30 at any time, have your 16 digit go card number handy and a contact centre operator will register your card for you.
You’re set up, so what’s next?
Once you have set up your go card online account, you can use it to:
  • Set up auto top-up so you’ll always have enough credit to travel.
  • Top up your go card using your debit or credit card.
  • Check your travel balance, view up to six months transaction history and print GST information for taxation purposes.
  • Transfer the balance of your card to another registered go card.
  • View your travel history, including your last 10 transactions at fare machines and selected go card locations.
  • Report an incorrect fare and request a balance adjustment.
  • Check your go card expiry date.
  • Change your opt-in preferences to include market research, go card notifications, product and service updates and special offers.
Balance adjustments
A go card balance adjustment is a credit or debit made to your travel credit because the correct amount was not charged due to a confirmed system related issue. Fixed amounts applied due to customer error are non-refundable. This could include:
  • Inability to tap on or tap off because all card readers on your train or tram platform or onboard your bus or ferry are out of order.
  • Inability to tap on or tap off because of an emergency evacuation or incident.
  • Abandoned travel because a service was late or cancelled and it was too late to cancel your journey.
  • System miscalculated the fare.
  • Card failure during transit (e.g. if your go card stops working and you cannot tap off).
The service involved must have been recorded as late or cancelled in Queensland Rail records or as recorded in the relevant operator’s Operations Log report. You must apply for an adjustment within 120 days from the date the error occurred. After your transaction adjustment has been processed your go card balance will be updated the next time you tap on to the system. In the event that an incorrect amount has been applied to a go card, Translink reserves the right to recall any overpayment without the cardholder’s permission. You can request a balance adjustment online (registered go cards only) or by calling Translink on 13 12 30.

How to request a balance adjustment online

Log into your go card account at gocard. Online balance adjustment: Step 1: Go to card and login to your go card account. Step 2: Click the ‘History’ tab to see a list of your trips. Step 3: Click the ‘Report’ link next to the trip with the incorrect charge. This will open the ‘Fare adjustments’ tab. Step 4: Check the details are correct including the date and time of the trip. You can add any special comments about your trip in the box at the bottom of the page. Step 5: Click the ‘Submit fare enquiry’ button at the bottom of the page. We usually process balance adjustment requests within 48 hours. Your card balance will adjust the next time you tap your go card to a reader. To check if your balance adjustment has been made, login to your go card account and check your transaction history.

Card expiry

When does my go card expire?

  • Adult and senior cards are programmed to expire 10 years from the date of issue.
  • Child go cards expire on the child’s 15th birthday.
  • Concession go cards are programmed to expire 14 days from the date of issue unless proof of concession is provided at selected retailers. When proof of concession is provided the expiry date is changed to expire when
your nominated concession eligibility card expires. You can find more information at You will see a warning message 30 days before your card expires on the card reader each time you tap on or tap off. Registered go card users can also opt to receive alerts via email and text messages. If you have a registered account you can check your expiry date online at You can also check the expiry date by calling 13 12 30 or at selected card locations (visit

My go card has already expired

An expired go card is not valid for travel. However, you have up to 255 days to change the expiry date. After the 255 day grace period, the card cannot be reactivated and a new go card will need to be purchased. You can transfer any remaining balance from your old card to the new one. If your card has not been used for a period of five years, it will be identified by the system as a dormant card. Any remaining travel balance and deposit will be transferred to Translink. You can request a refund of any remaining travel balance if your go card is registered by contacting the Contact Centre on 13 12 30 or supply your go card when completing the refund form if your card is not registered.

Damaged go cards

If you can’t tap on or tap off and you can see that other people can, your card may be faulty or damaged. Call Translink immediately on 13 12 30 to report it.

Frequently asked questions

What should I do if my go card is lost or stolen? Contact Translink on 13 12 30. If your go card is registered, the balance is protected from the time you notify Translink. You can also block your card via your online account. We can arrange to transfer the balance of your lost or stolen card to a new go card. What should I do if my card is damaged or faulty? Contact Translink on 13 12 30 or visit What should I do if I have a negative balance on my card? You will need to top up your card before your next journey. Refer to page 5 for details about how to top up your go card. What should I do if I tapped on but then my train was late or cancelled? If you have tapped on to the system and your service was late or cancelled and you decide not to travel on a Translink service after the 20 minute cancellation period has expired, contact Translink to have your go card balance adjusted. The adjustment will be made once the delay or cancellation of the service has been confirmed. Please see page 15 for more information on balance adjustments. What happens if my go card stops working?
  • Tap it to a card reader and take note of the message.
  • Phone Translink on 13 12 30 and advise them of the error message.
What if I can’t tap on or tap off because the card reader is not working? If all card readers are not working at a station platform, on board a bus or ferry and despite your attempts, you are unable to tap on, you can travel for free to complete your trip. You should not tap off at the end of your trip. If questioned by an authorised staff member, you will need to advise them of the time and station, or service, where you were unable to tap on or tap off due to the unavailability of any working go card equipment. In the case where other card readers are available for use, you must tap on from a working card reader before travelling. If you cannot tap off, your go card will not be able to calculate your fare. You will need to contact Translink within 120 days to have your balance adjusted. You should:
  • Contact Translink on 13 12 30 to resolve the issue.
  • Advise local staff if possible.
Do I have to remove my go card from its wallet to tap on and tap off? Translink recommends removing your card from your handbag, purse or wallet to ensure your go card can be read easily. As long as you tap on and tap off according to instructions on page 7–9, the card reader should be able to read your card – just look at the display on the card reader and listen for the tone to check your card is being read correctly each time you tap on and tap off. Please note, go card is not designed to have a hole punched into it, due to the internal antenna. This will cause the card to not work. How can I find out about any changes to the go card terms and conditions or fees? Visit or call Translink on 13 12 30. What should I do if I have a complaint? At any time if you would like help, to ask a question or give feedback, you’re welcome to call 13 12 30 or visit

Glossary of terms

Authorised user A person nominated by the cardholder as the person authorised to use that card for travel. The authorised user is nominated on the application form for a registered go card. Authorised person An authorised person is a person who is, or is appointed as, an authorised person under Section 111 of the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 (Qld). Such persons are authorised to exercise a range of powers under that Act relating to transport services. Cardholder The person responsible for all fares, fees and charges incurred by the use of the card by any person until the card is cancelled. Travel balance The stored value available on a go card to pay for the cost of travel. You can store up to $250 on your go card. The travel balance does not include the refundable deposit paid to be issued with a go card. Travel balance is also referred to as a ‘card’ balance. Fixed amount An amount deducted when the go card taps on at the start of a trip. When you tap off at the end of your trip the correct fare is calculated and the go card balance is adjusted accordingly. Translink fares and savings applied as a result of using go card do not apply to Airtrain services. Frequent user scheme This includes the 50% discount for travel taken after 8 full fare journeys made in the same week; and One, Two, Free for Seniors Card +go, senior go card or green pensioner concession go card holders. Journey Travel from departure to destination. A journey might involve several trips using different transport modes or routes. Maximum journey time The maximum amount of time permitted for a single journey using a go card. That is, the maximum amount of time permitted between tap on at the start of the first trip of a journey and tap off at the completion of the final trip of a journey. Maximum transfer time The maximum time permitted between tap on at the start of the first trip of a journey, and tap on at the start of the final trip of the journey. Registered card A go card that is linked to the personal details of the cardholder held on a secure central system. Top up The act of increasing the travel balance on a go card by crediting funds to the card. Tap off To present a go card to the Translink logo on the card reader on completion of a journey or trip, resulting in a response from the card reader that the transaction is successful. For the purposes of the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 (Qld) tap off has the same meaning as TAG OFF as defined in that Act. Tap on To present a go card to the Translink logo on a card reader at the start of a journey or trip, resulting in a response from the card reader that the transaction is successful. A preset amount (see fixed amount) is deducted from the go card at tap on. For the purposes of the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 (Qld) tap on has the same meaning as TAG ON as defined in that Act. Transfer A change of transport mode or route to another service or route at the end of a trip to continue a journey. When you transfer correctly your go card will automatically calculate one overall fare for your whole journey. Translink The Translink Division of the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Formerly the Translink Transit Authority ABN 46 097 411 749 a body corporate established under the Transport Operations (Translink Transit Authority) Act 2008. Trip The distance travelled on one route. When you transfer to another route or service you’re commencing a new trip. You can make up to four trips within the one journey. Unregistered card A go card is not linked to personal details of the cardholder.  

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